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Goodwill Car Wash

Goodwill Car Wash is operated by Goodwill Industries – Big Bend, Inc. as part of our mission to provide education, career services and support for individuals, helping families prosper within the Big Bend. Our mission at Goodwill is to empower individuals and families through the power and dignity of work.

Goodwill Car Wash provides job training and employment for more than fifty individuals at our two locations in Tallahassee. Goodwill Car Wash is one of the only full-service car washes in Tallahassee. When you support Goodwill Car Wash, you are helping build a stronger community.

We have two locations to serve you: 1480 Market Street and 606 Capital Circle NE. We are open Mon-Sat 8am-6pm and Sun 10am-5pm.

Contact us at or (850) 387-2390 for the Market Street location and (850) 361-2904 for the Capital Circle location. Our service prices range from $10 to $28, and we offer gift cards up to $200.

Call today to learn more about our business specials and treat your whole team to a clean car!

Visit our website for more information:


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